Staff blog

I lost my phone… what should I do!?



Yes, we occasionally receive this kind of emergency calls.

Losing your valuables is one of the worst things to experience, it is your bad day. But hey, please don't lose hope yet.

Japan is known for its well-organized handling and managing of lost articles, with prompt and proper actions, chances of getting back your item is quite possible.


Check where you might have lost it


Most shop and facilities keep customers' lost articles for a certain period of time before transferring them to local police station.

You might want to inquire multiple locations, including transportation.

Check these places first if you think you have lost your item just recently.

Your item may not be found on the spot, but it can possibly turn up later, so please ask shop/facility staff to take record of your lost item.


File a Lost Property Report (遺失届)

 In case your item was not found, visit nearest police box(Koban), to see if the police keeps your item.


Even if not you can file a LOST PROPERTY REPORT.

Police officers are usually available to help you fill in the form, if your item is found afterwards, you will be informed about it.

If you do not have contact numbers in Japan, it would be advisable to check in on them every couple days for any update.


Deactivate your credit card, phone, etc.

If you suspect loss of credit card, phone or something can possibly be abused, it is highly advisable to deactivate them.

In case you will need to get a reissue of your credit card, make sure to update automatic withdrawals tied to the previous card number to the new one.



Hope you find above tips helpful.



If you are currently staying with us and require any support for your lost articles, please always feel free to contact us!

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