Staff blog

International customers’ Life Support: NUKUMORI



Dear atinn customers,

We would like to announce you about our Life Support service NUKUMORI and its pricing system.

For the past few years, we have received many requests and concerns from our customers regarding their stay in
Japan due to the "language" and "cultural" differences/barriers. Taking all this into consideration, we decided to
implement the NUKUMORI service, as we really want to help our customers to avoid any kind of problems. We
hope our new service will provide extra convenience for our valued customers.

The service includes our support in English, Chinese, Russian, Uzbek and Turkish languages
when making contract documents, handling the keys, explaining rules regarding apartment usage and providing
consultations on all sort of questions and queries.

About the service

Price:All contracts: 324 JPY/day per contract (tax inclusive)

※Available for 108 JPY/day per contract (tax inclusive) with later introduced discount.

(Languages:English, Chinese, Russian, Uzbek and Turkish languages

•Handling the keys, explaining rules regarding apartment usage

•Basic life support consultations on all sort of questions and queries
•24hrs phone call support
※Initial response for call center may be in English only.

※For optional attending services, please inquire at <>.

(e.g. Airport pick-up, Ward office visit, Drivers' license center visit, etc)

【Limited-time discount offer】

We launch the limited-time discount offer on the service from Oct/2018 until the end of the year!

Discount Period

・Offer start: 1st/Oct/2018

・Offer end:  31st/Dec/2018

Applicable to

・Any and all booking applications submitted during the aforementioned discount period.
・Discount remains effective for apartment lease extension and contract renewal as well.
・Other discount can be applied at the same time.


For more information, please...

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