Staff blog

Spring “Kafunsho” (hay fever) season



In Japan, most hay fever or "Kafunsho" is caused by pollen from Crtptomeria japonica(cedar) and Japanese cypress. If you are recently experiencing red, swollen watery eyes, excessive sneeze, itchy throat, etc., it might be because of an allegy from increasing exposure to cedar pollen.


Japanese media regularly report on the development of pollen season around this time of the year.
Forecast says the early and middle periods of March will likely to mark the peak of the cedar pollen counts of 2018 in Nagoya.

2018年 スギ・ヒノキ花粉のピーク予測(仙台・東京・名古屋・金沢)

There are many products available that help people deal with the "Kafunsho".

Wearing surgical mask is one of the most common ways to protect your mouth and nose from pollen, which subdues symptoms such as sneeze and runny nose.

File:Salarymen in Tokyo (2).jpg

Using air-purifier to reduce the amount of pollen and improve indoor environment is also an effective way to deal with "Kafunsho".

Some of our high-grade apartments are furnished with "Plasma cluster air-purifier", great solution for dust, smell, pollen and even moisture control. This product is also available as an optional rental item for atinn guests.



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